Note: There are some more sustainable options for seniors who need to give away their skirts.
Now that we no longer wear our khaki skirts and pants (unless you were one of those really stylish people who pulled off the uniform by being significantly out of uniform but had like a strip of khaki on one leg), Westridge students are looking for ways to get rid of their khakis for more closet space after the holiday shopping spree. We’ve come up with a couple of ways you can make good use out of them.
- Firstly, we suggest using your khaki skirt as a dishrag! After some meticulous testing, we’ve discovered that even after you’ve stained it completely, the stains will all combine and maintain the yellowish-brown we’ve come to call our uniform.
- Instead of TPing/egging your neighbors who aren’t social distancing, or your ex, try arranging your old skirts over their hedges instead. The sight is truly remarkable, and arguably a much more insulting and uglier alternative.
- Condom. Or dental dam.
- Skirts make excellent tent material. They're nice and stiff, especially the white uniforms, and they keep out the cold. Bonus: helps you blend in with any shit colored surroundings--if this year goes full dystopian it might be useful!
- Sustainable tissues! Ever want to pretend you’re sick at school and have to use that tissue paper that quite literally grated your nose? Recreate that tender, nostalgic feeling whenever quarantine gets you down by drying your tears and blowing your nose on some of your favorite khakis.
- Waxing strips. No explanation necessary.