We've all spent the last week deciding which workshops to sign up for during Tiger Week. What you didn't know is that our teachers had a few discarded Tiger Week ideas that didn't make the final cut.
EmpowHim with Mr. Finnerman
Being the first male registrar, while a historically significant feat and a huge leap for mankind, can prove difficult sometimes. In a career dominated by women, men can often feel underpaid, overworked, and stifled. In this interim, we will lift up male voices and empower men to brave the persistent gender norms that pervade our society today. Finnerwomen? No. We are FinnerMEN.
Tattooing 101 with Dr. Bremmer
In this 2-day interim, Upper School English teacher Jessica Bremmer will teach proper tattoo gun technique. The first day will consist of practice on fake skin and bananas. Participants will be asked to come to campus the second day and each tattoo their Zodiac sign on Mrs. McGregor. Tattoos will be graded by Dr. Bremmer according to the AP grading scale.
Rocks with Mr. Greene
Being the first male registrar, while a historically significant feat and a huge leap for mankind, can prove difficult sometimes. In a career dominated by women, men can often feel underpaid, overworked, and stifled. In this interim, we will lift up male voices and empower men to brave the persistent gender norms that pervade our society today. Finnerwomen? No. We are FinnerMEN.
Tattooing 101 with Dr. Bremmer
In this 2-day interim, Upper School English teacher Jessica Bremmer will teach proper tattoo gun technique. The first day will consist of practice on fake skin and bananas. Participants will be asked to come to campus the second day and each tattoo their Zodiac sign on Mrs. McGregor. Tattoos will be graded by Dr. Bremmer according to the AP grading scale.
Rocks with Mr. Greene
Burlap and Tunic with Ms. Yurchak
Discover the wonders of an entirely canvas and linen wardrobe! Eliminate your need for Urban Outfitters and SHEIN and exclusively buy burlap sacks. Learn to look presentable and chic, yet always ready to attend a Renaissance fair or Woodstock at the drop of a hat.
Watching Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus for Five Days Straight with Skop
You stupid, stupid, normies. Time to stop watching Silly, Common Netflix Movies. This is the only movie that matters, a true work of cinema that will help you become the pretentious film nerd you have always wanted to be.
DIY Dissecting with Laura Hatchman
While thinking up this interim, we had some trouble figuring out how to make sure everyone had the right materials. We could easily supply the scissors, knives, pins, and trays, but we weren’t able to transport and distribute a consistent dissectable animal. For this reason, we decided the best course of action was to make students find their own animals (preferably non-human). Our best suggestion: ants.
Hamsters and Hair with Dr. E
In this interim, we will be combining my two passions: hamsters and hair. Here, we will be giving our hamsters their own tiny hairstyles--dye jobs, mullets, curtain bangs. If we’re feeling crazy, we might even give them acrylics!
Bold Red Lip with Tarra Stevenson
This interim will explore the effectiveness of various red lip colors. Learn from Upper School English teacher Tarra Stevenson whether or not your natural lip tint will adequately support the weight and thickness of Maybelline’s “Cherry-Blood-Fire-Hydrant” shade. This interim is a requirement for juniors who would like a letter of recommendation from Ms. Stevenson.
Human Photography and Agility with Coach Horn’s dog
Bark. Woof woof woof woof. Bark bark. Bark. Woof woof. Blepblep woof woof.
Discover the wonders of an entirely canvas and linen wardrobe! Eliminate your need for Urban Outfitters and SHEIN and exclusively buy burlap sacks. Learn to look presentable and chic, yet always ready to attend a Renaissance fair or Woodstock at the drop of a hat.
Watching Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus for Five Days Straight with Skop
You stupid, stupid, normies. Time to stop watching Silly, Common Netflix Movies. This is the only movie that matters, a true work of cinema that will help you become the pretentious film nerd you have always wanted to be.
DIY Dissecting with Laura Hatchman
While thinking up this interim, we had some trouble figuring out how to make sure everyone had the right materials. We could easily supply the scissors, knives, pins, and trays, but we weren’t able to transport and distribute a consistent dissectable animal. For this reason, we decided the best course of action was to make students find their own animals (preferably non-human). Our best suggestion: ants.
Hamsters and Hair with Dr. E
In this interim, we will be combining my two passions: hamsters and hair. Here, we will be giving our hamsters their own tiny hairstyles--dye jobs, mullets, curtain bangs. If we’re feeling crazy, we might even give them acrylics!
Bold Red Lip with Tarra Stevenson
This interim will explore the effectiveness of various red lip colors. Learn from Upper School English teacher Tarra Stevenson whether or not your natural lip tint will adequately support the weight and thickness of Maybelline’s “Cherry-Blood-Fire-Hydrant” shade. This interim is a requirement for juniors who would like a letter of recommendation from Ms. Stevenson.
Human Photography and Agility with Coach Horn’s dog
Bark. Woof woof woof woof. Bark bark. Bark. Woof woof. Blepblep woof woof.