Has anyone read a dictionary lately? Well, I have and gee wiz they are boring. Webster needs to know it’s looking a little dry over there. Thankfully, I have some suggestions. Here are a couple suggestions of new onomatopoeia that I believe will absolutely revolutionize the dictionary dimension:
Shink verb /shInk/
Definition of Shink: to briskly pull a sword from a sheath, often dramatically or with a certain degree of pizazz Examples of Shink in a sentence: The LARPER shinked his wooden sword and began swinging at an enemy LARPER.
Pfferbung verb or noun /pFFTHarbAUng/
Definition of Pfferbug: the very instance a bowling ball falls into the gutter. Examples of Pfferbung in a sentence: Man, my stupid 8-year-old sister sucks at bowling every time she rolls her ball of the stupid metal thing it pfferbungs within six stupid seconds.
Earp verb or noun /eaurp/
Definition of Eaurp: the high-pitched throat sound made when a popping a particularly painful pimple or blackhead. Examples of Eaurp in a sentence: I just eaurped from popping a pimple right below my eyebrow while taking a break from writing this article. (Please contact me if you have any good skincare recommendations, trying to avoid Accutane).
Badupmk noun /BAHduhmh/
Definition of Badupmk: the reception/notification of an outlook email Examples of Badumpk in a sentence: I’m getting a million badumpks, Ms. Leonard must be scheduling the entire school year.
Thank you all for hearing out my suggestions, please get in contact if you have any additional recommendations. My email: [email protected]