Let’s be real. The Commons lunch line is too long. And sometimes you just gotta eat. Who cares if it’s unethical to cut ten freshmen who have no confidence to say otherwise. In these moments, you have to prioritize yourself. It’s like the airplane air mask theory. Help yourself first, then others. But in this case, you only help yourself. As a serial line cutter (I have never waited in the full line in my life), I have mastered how to cut in line, while being gracious and eloquent.
Here’s what to do:
Find someone you know in line. Even if you barely remember their name, just say a quick, “Hey girllllll” and start a conversation about your history essay. What seemingly starts as a small conversation quickly turns into your place in line. Alternatively, if you literally have no friends to cut with, jump into an opening and avoid eye contact with the person behind you. Most Westridge students are too timid to say anything.
Always stay behind the person you cut with. It’s simple etiquette!
Let others cut with you so they can return the favor later.
Ignore what others think. Be you. You might get some dirty looks or snarky comments from those behind you, but they are just haters.
Enjoy your food and repeat! This will save you 5 hours and 13 minutes this school year.