I frankly do not have time for this because I am busy as freak with EA apps due next Wednesdaybut lord knows y’all need this so here it is: An anthology of locations to make-out with your significant other on campus other than the couch in EC20. a. The practice room in the PAC.
b. The small room between the south-side exit of the PAC and the staircase that opens out to Madeline court
You can thank a certain now graduated couple for this one
c. The small recessin the wall just past the PAC stage entrance doors
Cramped but still a winner
d. The far corner of the board op room of the Black Box
e. The bathrooms on the south side of the gym
People do go in there to shit so watch out
f. The single stall bathroom in braun
A particularly hidden lavatory on campus
g. The instrument storage room in braun
h. The space between the gate around the head of school’s house and the gym
Very few people walk through this area to get to pitcairn or the field…I think
i. The space at the end of the second floor main building hallway
Unfortunately, people often study here
j. The small balcony on the south side of the main building
The stairs creek ominously when you walk up them but no big.
k. The area between the upstairs SB building and the gate on the north side
l. The dance studio closet
Very little floor space
Does not smell awesomeDoes not smell awesome
m. The small space behind the braunstage curtain
It is pitch dark in there, it offers approximately one and half feet of depth and you’ll be accompanied by many instruments (of whose identity I am unsure), however, maybe that makes it more exciting?